Thursday, October 16, 2008


today was really weird..there's nothing much happened.. i hate the fact that this is the 2nd day that i have forgotten to bring the usb for the camp so that i could upload the pics..dont really have the time to do it at home.. by the time im done with everything, i'll be exhausted already..faye would know..kakaka!
there's an entry that im working at, its about the kids in my mum's nursery.. adorable bunch of munchkins!
everyone's sooo unique..everytime after work, i'll spend about half an hour with them, and it is very uplifting..
im basically counting the days until my last day..couldnt wait lar..
well.. nothing much today.. will be having dinenr later on with felix and yvonne..hmmm..that would be interesting!
k la..till then! chow!


StephenieEzra said...

wah..Ur mum has a nursery???

must be very fun to see all the cute and naughty faces!!

quirky_me said...

haha..she partner oni ba..not her own..kalau her own,bagus i kerja there oni..ahahah! kiut faye..u lagi la suka budak..when ada masa i will bring u there k