Wednesday, May 19, 2010

where is the help..

Looking at the photo above, I had two option. Turning a blind eye or stop and stare. Obviously I chose stop and stare, hence the entry. I felt compelled to write my thoughts. The photograph shows a famine stricken child crawling on the ground towards a United Nation (in Sudan) food camp about a kilometre away while a vulture waits in the background? heart literally sank as I read that..

The photo was taken by a famous photographer named Kevin Carter. He committed suicide two months after taking this photo, due to a build up depression (seeing this photo only added major depression to his already problematic life). He was criticised after taking the photo, saying that he should have helped the girl, and exploited her suffering for his gain. hmm.. that made him more depressed i guess.. *instead of blaming him, why didnt the people do something about the situation in Sudan back then?* urgh.

I came across this photo in FB (thanks beth) and was drawn to it. It shows the severity of the state on where our world is at. sad? its devastating. This photo won the Pulitzer award. Hope it did more than that tho. I for one am changed.

How is it possible, that this little girl, has to go through what seems to most of us is just unimaginable to happen here. where is the help?

its just devastating. to see an innocent girl go through that. and its probably still happening right now..just not captured in a photo...where is the help?

the photo shows there is no hope for the girl. this tiny body represents millions and millions in this it true there is no hope? where is the help?


You are the God who provides.
You are the God that never fails.
You are the God who says "nothing is immpossible"
I pray for the current state that this world is at..
I pray that aid will come their way..
I pray that they will see the light that You offer.
I pray that they could see the hope that You bring..
Jesus, take over..


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